Why working or studying in a coffee shop is healthy for you

March 15, 2021 2

For those who work or study at home, a cafe is more inviting compared to a library. One would think that the noise or people may be distracting, while others believe it helps. Today, I am interested in telling you why working or studying in a coffee shop is healthy for you. Research has shown that a moderate amount of noise such as dishes clattering or an espresso machine running, actually improves performance on creative tasks. Believe it or not, there is a website where you can play ambient sounds that mimic a coffee shop. The name of the site is Coffitivity. The creators got this idea when they realized that they worked more effectively in a busy and noisy environment.

Now, we are currently in a worldwide pandemic where sitting down in a coffee shop may not be an option. Fortunately here in Hawaii, our state has been able to fairly control the virus.  Businesses are able to operate at under 50% capacity. If you are visiting or live here, you definitely have the option of sitting down to a delicious drink while studying or getting work done. As things open up, you will have the option of going back to working in your favorite coffee shop.

Cafe Environment and Ambience

Well, like I stated earlier, the ambient sound of a nice and relaxing coffee shop can actually help you focus and be MORE creative! This type of environment is more likely to encourage you to stay focused on your tasks since everyone else is doing the same thing. You may even get to know the baristas and regular customers. You can help push one another to achieve what you are there to do.

Less distractions while working

There may be people coming in and out and speaking around you. However, you aren’t home and your natural surroundings are not there to distract you. Procrastination can be so real, especially when you have a deadline for your task! All of a sudden the laundry must be done, and the kitchen cleaned. However, when you are working in a coffee shop, all you have there is your computer, books and a cup of caffeine!
If you are someone like me who works from home and is on the computer very regularly, it’s a healthy change to get out of the house and adjust your scenery. Not to mention you will see some people and get that amount of socialization necessary to continue working.

Study groups

Study groups

College students usually have study groups or group projects where everyone meets and studies together or works on their project. Cafe’s and coffee shops are a great place for this because you will not be told to “be quiet” as you would in a student library. This is also a place where everyone can grab a drink. Each person came out to meet for this study group.  That can motivate you to keep the focus on the task at hand.

Now, the biggest drawback on studying in a cafe is the distractions. There is music, noise, and people coming in and out and speaking loudly. If you are one who gets easily distracted, this might not be the right place for you. It really depends on the coffee shop and the amount of noise or how busy it typically gets. A more chill and relaxed cafe setting will have the perfect amount of noise set for achieving your goals and working. A loud or busy cafe will have you very distracted.

Finding balance

work from home


Another downside would be costs. If you are studying or working in a coffee shop on the regular, you will want to be careful about how much coffee you drink! First, you do not want to consume too much coffee, but you also don’t want to burn a hole in your wallet. This is definitely something that can be avoided by purchasing only one item off the menu for your entire duration. Even try doing half your work in a coffee shop each week, while the other half you stay at home.

No matter where you feel is best for you to work or study, focus and determination is key! Are you feeling as though you have been in the house way too much and need a break?  Get some fresh air, stop by your local coffee shop for a change of scenery! Maybe it will help you spark an idea and nudge that writers block. If you prefer to work at home, getting a coffee in the morning before hand is always a nice way to get out. Then you can go home with a clear mind to begin the day.

Here at Belle Surf Cafe, we have a large space to relax, work, and drink your coffee with cozy pillows to sit on. You can get comfortable and enjoy your drink or meal without too many crazy distractions to get in the way of your work. Now that you know why working or studying in a coffee shop is healthy for you, give it a go! What works best for you?


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